Swart STR-Tweed Amp, Blonde and Black

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$ 2,172.00 
Swart STR Speaker Options:
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Get your Swart STR-Tweed Amp at Humbucker Music, the largest Swart Amplifiers dealer in the world with the biggest inventory for sale!

The Swart STR-Tweed is essentially the Space Tone Reverb, a circuit based on the little 5W, Class A, single-ended 6V6'R that started it all, but with new found bottom, and just amazing breakup (in my view, the BEST of the whole ST series). Of course, it has the same awesome reverb. In addition, the STR-Tweed has a switch that brings in more cleans, taming the breakup a bit when you want to tone it down.

This amp is really a blast in "hot" mode. It really is a lot like that little ST-6V6 single-ended beast, but with that big 12" speaker, bigger cabinet vibe riding along with some Swart magic. This cabinet is actually wider and deeper than the AST, only losing a bit in the height department.

Compared to the STR, it's a bit warmer and bit hotter. This is not a subdued amp at all, sounding far bigger than you would think any 5 watts could do. And there is something magical about pure Class A single-ended, 6V6 watts, too. Lord, I love that SE breakup when everything kicks in.

Space Tone Reverb Specifications

Wattage: 5W CLASS A
Preamp Tubes: 2 x 12AX7, 1 x 12DW7 (reverb)
Power Tube: 6V6 (can also use a 6L6)
Rectifier Tube: GZ34
Speaker: 12" Mojotone BV-30H ~ 8 ohm

Additional Features
  • Point to Point Hand Wired All Tube Circuit
  • Single-Ended Output - Zero Negative Feedback
  • Big Swart Tube Reverb - Foot Switchable
  • Hot and Clean mode Switch
  • Cathode Biased (no need to bias)
  • Carbon Comp Resistors ~ Mallory Caps
  • Cloth Hook-Up Wire
  • Hi/Lo Input for High & Low powered Pickups
  • Heaters referenced to ground
  • Standby Switch for tube warm-up, extending tube life
  • All Swart Amplifiers employ Star Grounding
  • 4/8 ohm 1/4" Out - Drive other Speaker/Cabinet
  • Switchcraft 1/4 inch inputs and output
  • CTS Potentiometers
  • Custom High Quality USA Built Swart Spec Iron
  • Speaker: 12" Mojotone BV-30H ~ 8 ohm
  • Finger-Jointed, solid Pine Cab
  • Vintage Jewel Lamp ~ Circuit Fuse Protected